BlogBuster 96: SEMPURNA
"You have to look slimmer and fabulous and charming and bla bla bla"..... I'm talking about shedding some kilos after a woman gave birth. The society keeps on pushing women to look good and PERFECT as early as day 1 after gave birth.
Let me tell you one thing, IT IS NOT EASY. I've read a comment from a celebrity this morning it goes like this..."Motivation for you to hit the gym right your confinement day" (INSERT A SLIM PICTURE OF HIS WIFE). HEY DUDE! Your wife is still on confinement and yet you gives her pressure by indirectly saying her FAT. Oh maybe not only FAT, UNATTRACTIVE, UGLY, SHABBY.... and his wife replied. "I know I'm fat T___T.
Bini kau sakit bersalin nak menyusu lagi bukan nak ucap syukur ke apa bini and anak selamat lahir kau sibuk suruh bini kau KURUS! SAY ALHAMDULILLAH FOR WHAT YOU HAVE NOW! Weight loss can wait, SERIOUSLY.
For 1st timer MUM,
Im gonna share with you my experiences. At first, you'll be excited with your baby bump and the pregnancy glow etc.
Reality hits you after you gave birth. You are struggling with your first time feeding your little ones, the sleepless nights, the post delivery pain, the pressure from surroundings that keeps telling you to LOSE SOME WEIGHT. And this is when your PARTNER should play his part. (BUKAN JOIN KUTUK BINI BUAT DIA DOWN).
SERIOUSLY IM SO PISSED OFF WITH THIS ISSUE. I thought I'm the only one who cried when I look at the mirror but some of my friends are dealing with this kind of issue as well.
OK GUYS, Kalau tak tau nak tolong apa, PLEASE ASK! Im sure if u start asking, your wife will give endless things for you to do. DONT PLAY WITH YOUR PHONE OR ELSE JUST GET MARRIED WITH YOUR PHONE LA KAN?
Alhamdulillah abe is really helpful throughout my confinement period and it doesn't stop there. Thank you dear :) Selit jap takleh panjang nanti orang menyampah haha..
Pernah ada org tegur,
"Eh makan sikit tapi tubuh besar".
"Penat jaga anak tapi tak kurus2 jugak?'
Mulia kan kata-kata itu?
4. Cut down on sweet drinks.
Sebelum kawen dulu memang wajib milo beng so. Haha. Lepas kawen dengan insan yg minum air kosong je automatic jd minum air kosong je, sampai makcik kantin pun tau Teacher Aliah minum air kosong jah. Oh yes sampai sekarang I haven't consumed iced beverages (yet). Like seriously. Lepas bersalin tu pantang 100 hari la konon2, lama2 sendiri tak nak minum ais. I dun have any specific studies/ reasons for this but I feel comfortable not to consume iced drinks. Minum air sejuk peti tu adalah sebab I cannot tahan fresh milk sejuk coz Im a cereal-holics.
5.Eat real food.
I makan nasi ok? Diet je xleh makan nasi, kesian nasi tau apa dosa dia haha. Dulu pernah la tanya sorang online coach ni sebab dia iklan boleh kurus dgn makan nasi. Tup- tup rupanya jual produk kesihatan S*AK*** LOL. I know it's quite famous but for me, you cannot depend on products if you want to lose weight. What happened after you stop? Dahla bukannya murah kan?
Bear in mind ladies,
Jangan obses nak kurus sangat, ingat ada anak kecil perlukan nutrien dari kita.
Alhamdulillah hasil berkat usaha, dapatlah merasa kurus skit.
(In fact lagi kurus masa sebelum kahwin). Wow poyonya.
The main point here is bukan kurus ke apa, yang penting kita sihat dan dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab kita sebagai hamba Allah, isteri,ibu dan anak dengan baik, insyaAllah.
Cantik fizikal itu semua luaran dan keduniaan sahaja, cantik yang lebih penting ialah akhlak.
Muka cantik tapi mulut laser pun org xsuka kan?
Mula-mula macam tak ambil port sangat sebab baru lepas bersalin kot, lek lek ahh sbb bukannya nak masuk MISS UNIVERSE trus kan? Tapi lepas asyik kena kecam je mummy xleh duk diam.
Yelah ada nampak mummy happy ke? LOL.
1. Download apps MyFitnessPal.
This apps was introduced by my little sister. I owe her so much for this, she is my sifu. :D
This is a very practical apps, you can set your goals on how much you wanna lose in a week. I set for 0.5 kg per week.
It works like this, you have to key in all the food that you consume and monitor how much you usually eat daily. Cekodok pisang pun ada dlm apps ni ok? Kuih talam ke apa ke semua ada & korg akan terkejut beruk tgk kalori goreng pisang bape. hahah menangis je masa nak makan.
JANGAN NAK DRASTIK SANGAT OK? My motto is biar lambat asal jadi lol.
Kalau rasa bersalah makan banyak aritu leh topup dengan exercise, akan ada extra calories tapi tgk la korg workout cmne. Lagi hardcore lagi banyak. Kemas rumah gedik2 pun ada lah terbakar calories.
DIET style ni memang best sbb korg leh enjoy fav food korang just control portion je lah.
Im still enjoying my chocs and desserts and nasi lemak and milo ( you name it!)
Memang amik masa sebab awal2 tu mcm kebulur jugak kena catu makan. Dah biasa makan meriah sbb Kausar fully bf. I started this after Kausar 6 months. Lepas dia da makan and not solely depends on milk. Kesian plak nak buat awal2 sebab she needs her nutrients.
Oh yes I usually xdpt fulfill pun requirement daily calories intake tu mesti ada minus skit calories intake tu (means terlebih makan) tapi kalau setakat minus 100-200 tu ok je...
2. Workout 2 kali seminggu.
Haha macam tipu je ni? Memang pun sebenarnya sempat 2 kali sebulan je HAHA. Tapi kalau korang da workout memang akan mempercepatkan proses turun berat tu. I follow youtube punya fitness video je muahaha.. (SEKARANG FITNESS KEJAR KAUSAR SHE IS SO UNSTOPPABLE I TELL YOU).
This apps was introduced by my little sister. I owe her so much for this, she is my sifu. :D
This is a very practical apps, you can set your goals on how much you wanna lose in a week. I set for 0.5 kg per week.
It works like this, you have to key in all the food that you consume and monitor how much you usually eat daily. Cekodok pisang pun ada dlm apps ni ok? Kuih talam ke apa ke semua ada & korg akan terkejut beruk tgk kalori goreng pisang bape. hahah menangis je masa nak makan.
JANGAN NAK DRASTIK SANGAT OK? My motto is biar lambat asal jadi lol.
Kalau rasa bersalah makan banyak aritu leh topup dengan exercise, akan ada extra calories tapi tgk la korg workout cmne. Lagi hardcore lagi banyak. Kemas rumah gedik2 pun ada lah terbakar calories.
DIET style ni memang best sbb korg leh enjoy fav food korang just control portion je lah.
Im still enjoying my chocs and desserts and nasi lemak and milo ( you name it!)
Memang amik masa sebab awal2 tu mcm kebulur jugak kena catu makan. Dah biasa makan meriah sbb Kausar fully bf. I started this after Kausar 6 months. Lepas dia da makan and not solely depends on milk. Kesian plak nak buat awal2 sebab she needs her nutrients.
Oh yes I usually xdpt fulfill pun requirement daily calories intake tu mesti ada minus skit calories intake tu (means terlebih makan) tapi kalau setakat minus 100-200 tu ok je...
2. Workout 2 kali seminggu.
Haha macam tipu je ni? Memang pun sebenarnya sempat 2 kali sebulan je HAHA. Tapi kalau korang da workout memang akan mempercepatkan proses turun berat tu. I follow youtube punya fitness video je muahaha.. (SEKARANG FITNESS KEJAR KAUSAR SHE IS SO UNSTOPPABLE I TELL YOU).
Pic paling sesuai haha |
3. Tahan kecaman dan cacian sepanjang proses tu.
Memang kita akan rasa nak naik penimbang selalu nak tgk turun ke x hahaha. Tapi takpe mmg rasa down sbb turun skit, lama2 akan nampak hasilnya.
Memang kita akan rasa nak naik penimbang selalu nak tgk turun ke x hahaha. Tapi takpe mmg rasa down sbb turun skit, lama2 akan nampak hasilnya.
Pernah ada org tegur,
"Eh makan sikit tapi tubuh besar".
"Penat jaga anak tapi tak kurus2 jugak?'
Mulia kan kata-kata itu?
4. Cut down on sweet drinks.
Sebelum kawen dulu memang wajib milo beng so. Haha. Lepas kawen dengan insan yg minum air kosong je automatic jd minum air kosong je, sampai makcik kantin pun tau Teacher Aliah minum air kosong jah. Oh yes sampai sekarang I haven't consumed iced beverages (yet). Like seriously. Lepas bersalin tu pantang 100 hari la konon2, lama2 sendiri tak nak minum ais. I dun have any specific studies/ reasons for this but I feel comfortable not to consume iced drinks. Minum air sejuk peti tu adalah sebab I cannot tahan fresh milk sejuk coz Im a cereal-holics.
![]() |
sedapnyaaaa |
5.Eat real food.
I makan nasi ok? Diet je xleh makan nasi, kesian nasi tau apa dosa dia haha. Dulu pernah la tanya sorang online coach ni sebab dia iklan boleh kurus dgn makan nasi. Tup- tup rupanya jual produk kesihatan S*AK*** LOL. I know it's quite famous but for me, you cannot depend on products if you want to lose weight. What happened after you stop? Dahla bukannya murah kan?
Bear in mind ladies,
Jangan obses nak kurus sangat, ingat ada anak kecil perlukan nutrien dari kita.
Aidilfitri 2017 |
Alhamdulillah hasil berkat usaha, dapatlah merasa kurus skit.
(In fact lagi kurus masa sebelum kahwin). Wow poyonya.
The main point here is bukan kurus ke apa, yang penting kita sihat dan dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab kita sebagai hamba Allah, isteri,ibu dan anak dengan baik, insyaAllah.
Cantik fizikal itu semua luaran dan keduniaan sahaja, cantik yang lebih penting ialah akhlak.
Muka cantik tapi mulut laser pun org xsuka kan?
This is the best motivation I've got from my dear friend Atiq Ahmad from her FB,
You know how mothers hate their post-delivery body.
The scar, the stiches, the stretch mark, the fat left because of pregnancy.
It demoralizes us, mothers, sometimes.
Whatever we do, it won't go.
But Allah makes them permanent for us.
For reasons.
For our husbands, to remember it everytime they see us. So they know how hard it was to continue his legacy.
For our kids, to see their markprint on our body. So they know how much they means for us.
The most important,
For our own benefit.
Allah wants us to remember how powerful and valueable we are.
Allah wants us to always remember that we are important,
We are the one who helps in making of His-servants.
Allah allows us to claim those in the Hereafter, for the permanent sacrifices.
Allah wants us to remember how powerful and valueable we are.
Allah wants us to always remember that we are important,
We are the one who helps in making of His-servants.
Allah allows us to claim those in the Hereafter, for the permanent sacrifices.
May Allah ease the hearts of mothers,
for whatever hardship they face,
for whatever hardship they face,
In bearing His creation.
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